Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Misogynistic Men on Mondays: Glenn Sacks

In a new segment that I will be starting entitled Misogynistic Men on Mondays, which will cover the issues of Men's Rights Activists(primarily), politicians, and frankly men that piss me off.

Glenn Sacks: executive director of Fathers & Families

This is the man responsible for having "boys are stupid" mechandise pulled from stores.  It still can be found on DavidandGoliathtees.com, but more realistically this is a campaign against one of the only attacks on the male sex but women's clothing is offensive most of the time.  I recall the "who needs brains when you've got these" shirts, dumb blonde tees, thongs with "cha-ching" on them, but no calling boys stupid is a huge problem.  Boys today are not doing as well in school as girls but why do you think that is? Is it because boys are actually stupid? no(though personally I like to pretend that). Boys aren't trying as hard as girls, women have to work twice as hard to get half as far.  So girls are putting in more initiative and the standards might be raised in response, but that does not mean that boys can't do it.

I remember there was a guy, his name was Eric, he and I competed for the best grade from 3rd grade until he stopped caring in 7th.  He was gaining popularity and was slightly overweight and trying to be the "funny fat kid."  He started using drugs and neglecting school work.  Deep down I knew that he was naturally smarter than me, but I worked really hard and we always had gotten the same grades, in the same classes. When he gave up, his grades plummetted and he started making fun of me for trying.  During high school he slimmed down, got more popular and we started being friends again (well not publically, he didn't want to be seen being nice to me). He was a wiz at math but ended up failing Math Analysis(Pre-Calculus) because he would come to class high, I stopped letting him copy my homework and he was distracted by his slacker friends and girlfriend.  He was failing so bad that a perfect score on the final couldn't help him.

The moral of the story is that social pressure to be popular means dumbing yourself down, but only for boys. Women have the social pressure to be on top acedemically and are criticized by their peers for not being smart, boys get the opposite, where the ideal is to slack through life.

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