Sunday, July 11, 2010

To Birth or Not to Birth...why is it your business?

I personally do not ever wish to be an incubator for a parasite that I would then have to birth, possibly with a perverted male gyno, in a hospital that requires genital mutilation during birth or an unnecessary c-section. But that's just me.  I am not about to go around and berate pregnant women about their decision to not abort the fetus.  So why is it when it comes to famous people, we have the "right" to criticize and debate their decisions.  When it comes to Jillian Michaels, a personal trainer on the Biggest Loser, saying that she wants to adopt because she "can't handle doing that to her body," we are all up in arms against her. It's still her choice but of course since she is in the public eye, society thinks it is appropriate to dictate her body.  I am sure that if she were to get pregnant, she would have to come out and say it immediately, or else she would be accused of gaining weight and getting fat.
 The interview that made it possible for society to start nagging and bashing her for her choice to abstain from pregnancy was in a Women's Health magazine which has been picked up on Fox News stating that "babies ruin bodies."  Jillian has described the hurt feeling of being misquoted in response to the article. But more importantly her choice is becoming a moral indiscretion on her part and an attack on mothers and women who may choose to birth.  That's not the case though, her personal behavior is not a statement on her beliefs.  If that was the case how can a man, like say, Rush Limbaugh get married four times and have Elton John, a very out gay man, perform at the ceremony?  That goes against his beliefs but yet his actions say otherwise.  Jillian is not against mothers and since she wants to adopt, she is obviously alright with motherhood as a concept.  She also stated in the same interview that she wants to adopt because it's like she is rescuing something.  But no, she is too shallow to allow her body to change from its perfection.
What's so wrong with a woman wanting to look a certain way? Nothing. Her job relies on how she looks and even if it didn't it is no one's business but her own.  She can have personal body image issues and still be a great motivator. It matters more what she says to other women than what she says to herself.

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