Friday, May 21, 2010

Is Homophobia really the wrong term?

Alrighty. So I spend far too much time online looking at news articles and such regarding LGBT people. I found that often(men), claim not to be homophobic because they hate gay people, they are not scared of gay people. Okay so that may be true. But why do these men hate gay people? Repressed homosexual urges? Fear of own emmasculinization? Myths about sexual assault by gay men? All these things stem from fear. Hatred often stems from fear and therefore the term homophobia is used accurately and appropriately.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pro-Life Billboards

Alright so I know I am a bitch and I am going to laugh at some of the lifers' billboards.  I usually flip them off when driving but now I'm posting.

 <--- Yeah sure, you could because babies have such good muscle control that they could create a smile.

Well, I'm not a Christian so why should I believe that this "baby" had a soul before it was born?

<-- Maybe its just me but, how is a "baby" that costs a lot(approx. $700 a month), going to stimulate the economy when people can barely afford to take care of themselves.  But then women on welfare are stigmatized because the government is 'supporting' her and her child.  You may get a tax cut because you have a kid, but its not going to be enough to stimulate anything.

But the most problematic are the ones that are not just stupid but offensive! This Georgia billboard is targeting black women, truly saying that they are immoral and killing off their own people. Black women are already often targets of racism, sexism and classism combined; they have been forcibly sterilized by the government and placed into an unescapable system of welfare.  It is harder for them to find work because of race and sex, but without child care resources they are up against a losing battle. And these Lifers want them to keep having children(that they can't get daycare for), which is putting them further back.

Alright now I am going to get into the "damned if you do, damned if you don't" debate. If the woman aborts her 'baby' when she finds out it has a mental or physical disability she is a bitch and the disability activists will be all over her.  But if she decides to birth it, the child's disability will be her fault.