Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hunter-Abuser Connection?

So I am a firm believer that hunters are evil. I may have a friend or two who hunt, but I cannot understand how someone can go out and plan to attack a helpless innocent creature, without its knowledge and not be a little fucked up in the head. First I have heard the 'just animals' arguement and its bullshit. Humans are 'just animals' too or did we forget that because Pope-whats-his-face decided that humans are better than animals. Well many people believe men are better than women, so does that make it right for men to kill women or to beat them as they like because again Pope-whats-his-face said that women are less than men. 
Women and animals are often placed into the same brackets of activism and 'sensitivity.'  Lies are told like with any other oppressive nature that there is something about them that makes them deserve that type of treatment or that they dont matter in the world as it is.
Now the reason for this rant: the guy messing with my happy man-hating feminist world 'confessed' to being a hunter.  This is complicated because he's one of those use everything hunters, but the way he was talking about it and some of the gruesome detail makes me wonder what he could do to be. Would he hurt me or another woman for that matter?

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