Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Plastic Women

Plastic Surgery

I understand the concept, “it worked for Barbie, so it must work for me.” If you don’t know of what I speak, it’s plastic. Barbie has Ken, several very stylish cars and a dream house, as well as any career imaginable. Why wouldn’t you follow in her only high-heeled footsteps. Well now you can. You can turn yourself into a living breathing Barbie, many women already have. The breathing part will eventually be debatable since with every procedure you run the risk of never waking up. But, hey, at least you’ll be beautiful, right?

Nothing More Insecure Than Plastic Women

Once we get down to the real root of the problem--self-esteem is the really where everything is based. Women and even some men are going under the knife to deal with their insecurities. Women are more likely to get a procedure done for someone else. Whether it be because their mother is harping on them about their “funny shaped” nose, or because their boyfriend/husband wants them to have a bigger rack; its rarely because they want it or even thought about it. A stranger could comment on a body part and it will stick with you, he might even be the reason that triggers your drastic decision. I mean if one person calls you fat or ugly, no matter how many people tell you that you are pretty, beautiful [insert appropriate word here], you will never forget who called you fat or ugly. Most likely you will remember everything you were wearing, how your hair was styled, what you were doing and you will avoid some or all of that after careful dissection over why he may have said what he did.
So really women need to re-evaluate why they are allowing some doctor, who may or may not be fully qualified to perform the procedure, carve into them like the piece of meat that they are viewed as.
Things to consider before going under:
Have you thoroughly researched your impending cosmetic procedure?
Can you afford it?
What happens if something goes wrong?
What if you don’t like how you feel after?
Is it really worth it?

Seriously, Are The Big Boobs Really For YOU?

Now seriously, when does a woman want to have silicone or saline bags strapped to her chest under her real breasts? When a man tells her she does. I’m not saying that women can’t think for themselves but well many times they can’t. He’ll threaten to leave her if she doesn’t do it, he’ll constantly tell her she’s unattractive or he’ll even withhold sexual activities until she agrees. Though I wouldn’t think that would be the end of the world. For a man to withhold from a woman means that he would be willing to leave her for a bustier version that’ll worship every word he says. I will give women some credit, sometimes clothes can look better if you have more of a chest, but I have always found that it is harder to find clothes that can accommodate for a larger chest. And for vanity’s sake, if you are concerned with your clothing size you wouldn’t want to have to buy a size or two larger just so your newly implanted breasts can fit. And for the sake of swimsuits and avoiding embarrassment, many women find it hard enough to keep their suit from falling off at water parks and the beach, now imagine having to fit a size D into a string bikini and not have it fly up.
So when you start signing up for the consultation consider all the things that could happen with a bigger set of boobs.

Born Again Virgins?

There is a big following for the concept of being a born-again virgin. It’s a product of virginity pledges and guilt-laden abstinence-only education. You were never supposed to have given it away to begin with but you can swear you’ll never do it again. And with that comes expectations, the expectations that once you are married, your husband (because lesbians don’t exist) will never know that he was not your first. You will never know who his was, and with some men I would be amazed if they even know. But don’t worry there is a solution--vaginal rejuvenation.
This is a simple solution for the women who wish to regain their hymens. They can experience that painful deflowering all over again with another drunken frat boy or their husband who they will swear their life to; and then divorce five years later. I honestly don’t believe that an intelligent woman, who is not brainwashed by the her, would ever wish to relose her virginity. Plus it will never be as traumatic as the first time, since you will still have some recollection of what it was like. Therefore other than increasing your bride-price, surgically regaining your virginity is a waste.
If that wasn’t enough to put some perspective into your head than think about this:
In America, this procedure is completely voluntary and you pay someone to perform it.
In Africa, similar procedures are done, such as cutting the inner labia or clitoris and we define that as genital mutilation.
So therefore, you are paying a doctor to perform an elective genital mutilation upon you for the purpose of appearing more sexually appealing to a man or to become more “innocent.” This alone indicates a corrupt society that believes that purity can be linked to a strange, usually male, doctor feeling you up while you’re knocked out and then slicing and dicing at your sacred-God-given-dirty-woman-parts. And this is acceptable in the Christian faith? Wait it’s not even just acceptable its encouraged!
Then not only are you supposed to be reshaped but that hair needs to be gone. I don’t care if you shave, wax, pluck, trim, go au natural; but if you choose to take it off, don’t do it to look more youthful. Any man that tells you it’s sexy to be completely bare and “youthful” is on the fast track to pedophilia and child molestation. Run now before it’s too late. But if you just prefer the feel or the ease of going bare do it for those reasons, not because some man says it turns him on. And in that case if you don’t care about the hair down there, tell him if he requires you to remove it, you require him to do the same and the same way at that. (just don’t tell him about taking the NSAIDS before the Brazilian wax)
Just remember it’s YOUR body so don’t listen to anyone about what you do with it, unless there is a danger and it’s your doctor.

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