Monday, October 25, 2010

Misogynistic Men on Monday: How do you know?

It can be hard at times to spot these types of men. There are a few things that can let you know but they are not always present.
The Basics:
-Hunter: any man who feels he has the right to kill anything he deems less than him is bound to have at least misogynistic tendancies. He may not try to hit or kill you but his respect for you will not be where it should be.
-Naked Woman Pictures: now there is a difference between having one or two playboys and having your walls plastered with grotesque pictures of surgically altered porn stars. This kind of guy will not appriciate natural beauty.
-MRA- the most basic. If he believes that feminism is evil and that it punishes 'good' men. RUN!!!!!!!!!

The Challenging:
-Football players: football is a sport that often encourages alpha male behavior and violence.  Not all men exhibit these symptoms of football but be cautious.
-Lifers: I believe in not getting tangled up with lifers at all because they are likely to not respect your body and your space. So before you ever have sex with a lifer, find out why they think that way and then make the decision based on that. If you are a lifer, why are you reading this?!
-Criminals: You would think this one would be easy, but its not.  Crime comes in so many levels. Never go near a sex offender but if they have a record for possession and are clean, there really is no problem. Do your research.

Good Luck:
-Cocky guys: this really depends.  A guy(or girl) may be cocky to cover up insecurities, this is not problematic.  If the guy is truly arrogant this is where the problem lies. Arrogance shows that he cares only for himself and not for you.

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